Interview Ivan Giuliani Grand Tour Bari

Discovering the wonders of Italy: on Radio 24's "Grand Tour" we talked about Puglia and old Bari

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 14 November 2023 A "journey" in Bari Vecchia with the radio of Il Sole 24 Ore. To tell the territory Ivan Giuliani, Founder Bariexperience not only web and TV, the territory also travels on Radio. "Grand Tour", the travel program of ...

Bari By Night Tour: evening guided tour through the alleys of old Bari

/*! ELEMENTAR-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-ALTRT {Padding: 15px; Border-Left: 5px Solid Transparent; Position: Related; Text-Align: Start} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Title {Display: Block; Font-Weight: 700} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Descration {Font-Size: 13px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-ALART-DISMISS {Position: Absolute; Right: Var (- Dismiss-icon-horizontal-posto, 10px); Top: Var (-Dismiss-icon-vertical-post, 10px); Padding: 3px; font-size: var (-dismiss-icon-size, 20px); line -Height: 1; Background: Transparent; Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Normal-Color, Inherit); Border: None; Cursor: Pointer; Transition-leading: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Trasition- Duration, .3s)}. Elerar-ALTRT Button.elementor-ALERT-DISMISS: Hover {Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Color, inherit)}. Width: VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Height: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Fill: Var (-Dismiss-icon-normal-color, Currentolor); Transition-d primation : VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-TRENSITION-NIGINATION, .3S)}. } .Lementor-Alert-Info .Lementor-Alert {Color:#31708F; Background-Color:#D9edf7; Border-Color:#BCDFF1} .Lementor-ALERT-SUCCESSS .Lementor-Alert {Color:#3C763D; :#dff0d8; border-color:#cae6be}. elementor-anter-worning. elementor-{color:#8a6d3b; background-color:#fcf8e3; border-color:#f9f0c3}. elementor-art-body. elementor- Alert {Color:#A94442; Background-Color:#F2Dede; Border-Color:#e8c4c4} @media (Max-Width: 767px) {. Eleor-Alert {Padding: 10px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-Alert- DISMISS {Right: 7px; Top: 7px}} Attention The recommended tours on this site are not organized by Bariexperience, as well as promoting the territory, also offers visibility to activities/experiences organized by third parties and already present ...

Paglietta Tour: guided walking tour of old Bari

Attention the recommended tours on this site are not organized by Bariexperience, as well as promoting the territory, also offers visibility to activities/experiences organized by third parties and already present on the web. The user is invited to check the quality of the tours and the accuracy of the information directly on sites, links and references of ...
What to do in Bari Vecchia

What to do in Bari Vecchia

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} ideas and advice on what to do when you are in the suggestive Bari Vecchia when you arrive at the gates of Bari Vecchia you are practically at the entrance of the millennial history of this city. For this reason Bariexperience suggests you what could be good ...

Historic squares of Bari

Some squares and roads that you will not be able to do without visiting during your trip to Bari if you are on this page is because you are probably trying to understand which are the main squares to visit in Bari, or in any case those closest to your places of interest in the center ...
Bari Vecchia wall lights

New face for the Wall of Bari Vecchia: lights and colors on the seafront

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 19 February 2020 The wall of Bari Vecchia changes face : lights and colors will illuminate a glimpse of the ancient village Bari increasingly beautiful and illuminated; Starting from this moment a beautiful and characteristic glimpse of the ancient village of Bari ...
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Behind the blog tourist blog Ivan Giuliani
The Blog is an initiative by Ivan, a Bari citizen who is passionate about tourism and marketing.
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