Guided tours by Confguide Bari

/*! ELEMENTAR-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-ALTRT {Padding: 15px; Border-Left: 5px Solid Transparent; Position: Related; Text-Align: Start} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Title {Display: Block; Font-Weight: 700} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Descration {Font-Size: 13px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-ALART-DISMISS {Position: Absolute; Right: Var (- Dismiss-icon-horizontal-posto, 10px); Top: Var (-Dismiss-icon-vertical-post, 10px); Padding: 3px; font-size: var (-dismiss-icon-size, 20px); line -Height: 1; Background: Transparent; Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Normal-Color, Inherit); Border: None; Cursor: Pointer; Transition-leading: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Trasition- Duration, .3s)}. Elerar-ALTRT Button.elementor-ALERT-DISMISS: Hover {Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Color, inherit)}. Width: VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Height: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Fill: Var (-Dismiss-icon-normal-color, Currentolor); Transition-d primation : VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-TRENSITION-NIGINATION, .3S)}. } .Lementor-Alert-Info .Lementor-Alert {Color:#31708F; Background-Color:#D9edf7; Border-Color:#BCDFF1} .Lementor-ALERT-SUCCESSS .Lementor-Alert {Color:#3C763D; :#dff0d8; border-color:#cae6be}. elementor-anter-worning. elementor-{color:#8a6d3b; background-color:#fcf8e3; border-color:#f9f0c3}. elementor-art-body. elementor- Alert {Color:#A94442; Background-Color:#F2Dede; Border-Color:#e8c4c4} @media (Max-Width: 767px) {. Eleor-Alert {Padding: 10px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-Alert- DISMISS {Right: 7px; Top: 7px}} Attention The recommended tours on this site are not organized by Bariexperience, as well as promoting the territory, also offers visibility to activities/experiences organized by third parties and already present ...

What are you looking at in Bari? Now an App tells you

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 08 October 2020 Augmented reality: an app for Give information on the monuments that you look at a novelty in Bari that will make all those who are going to visit Bari happy. Thanks to an increased reality app, it's called AC Tourist, you have the ...
Bari seafront

Here are 10 things to see in Bari

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-XL {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} What to see in Bari? Here are ten things to see absolutely when you are in the capital of Puglia is true, sometimes time is not enough, but there are places that you should absolutely not lose when you decide to see Bari ...

Boom in bookings in Bari: these days everything is Sold Out

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 18 August 2020 everyone wants to see Bari: August in Sold out for the capital of Puglia that tourism in Bari was growing as it had been known for some time, but that the mid -August 2020 would bring so many tourists to ...
Swabian Castle Bari

Monuments and attractions

Monuments to see in Bari? Here are some characteristic places and places of the city whose stories will thrill you Bari is not only a sea city but also a place full of history, culture and traditions. But the interesting aspect is that most of the places that have always characterized this city ​​...
Itineraries in Bari

5 Unusual itineraries

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} a few days to visit Bari? Here are some suggested itineraries to see the best of Bari! When you get to Bari, the desire to visit it entirely and to fully enjoy every corner, however, you have to deal with the ...
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Behind the blog tourist blog Ivan Giuliani
The Blog is an initiative by Ivan, a Bari citizen who is passionate about tourism and marketing.
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Itineraries Confugide Bari Partner Bariexperience
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