The military shrine of the fallen overseas
The tribute to the Italian soldiers fallen in a foreign land: the evocative Military Shrine of Bari
The Military Shrine of the Overseas Fallen preserves the remains of approximately 75,000 Italian soldiers (of which 40,000 unfortunately remain unknown) who fell in foreign lands in the wars between 1941 and 1945 .
The decision to collect the remains of these soldiers in one place came in 1967 due to the decommissioning of the various war cemeteries scattered around the world .
This military cemetery houses not only the remains of soldiers but also a historical museum which recalls the events of the Second World War and which preserves historical documents, weapons and uniforms of the time, and photographs.
Furthermore, inside the shrine in short, for history lovers or for those who want to commemorate the fall of the soldiers in the sad events that characterized the years of the great wars , there is the possibility of visiting a particularly evocative place where silence, memory and respect reign for those who fought for their country.
Where is the Military Shrine located?
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