BariExperience see visit Bari surroundings Puglia

In the premises of Poggiofranco

40 photos X 40 places to see.
An emotional guide to Bari!


Entertainment and fun: Poggiofranco among your points of reference


The Poggiofranco district , in addition to being among the most modern districts of the city, is also a place for the Bari nightlife

Rich in clubs the Poggiofranco neighborhood has always played a role of aggregation and entertainment for the many people from Bari in the area or in the neighboring neighborhoods.

In fact, thanks to the many bars, pubs, lounge bars, restaurants and commercial activities in general, this neighborhood is practically always alive and enjoys its liveliness especially at sunset when, at the end of the working day, the premises open and the nightlife ; that's when we start to see young people inside and outside the clubs in the company of a drink , or large tables in pizzerias and restaurants, live music and DJ sets.

Therefore Poggiofranco is an excellent point of reference if you want to entertain yourself or have fun avoiding the traffic of the center and the problem of parking, however if you also want to take a stroll through the streets of the center the estimated time from this neighborhood is around 10-15 minutes.


Where is Poggiofranco located?

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