Would you like to live in Bari?

Feeling more like a local than a tourist:
Here are some suggestions for investing and buying a house in Bari
This section of the blog is dedicated to real estate tourism , as well as to those who wish to experience Bari ( the capital of the splendid Puglia ) , who want to feel like they are from Bari and no longer just tourists.
For this reason we put our knowledge of the city at your disposal, offering some suggestions to those who intend to buy an apartment in Bari .
For the real estate market in the City of Bari it is a flourishing moment: an apartment characterized by a convenient quality/price ratio is sold very quickly, leaving little room for reflections and negotiations.
Buying a small and comfortable house, and moving to Bari , could prove to be the right choice for those who want to move to the city for their own pleasure or need.
1) Purchase price
To begin with, it must be said that the prices per square meter are quite high and that, naturally, they depend on the neighborhood in which the property to be purchased . In the Città Vecchia, Murat and Umbertina areas , an apartment costs on average from 3,000 euros per square meter (for immediately habitable solutions) to 2,200 euros per square meter (for solutions to be renovated) .
2) Loans and mortgages
Those who intend to purchase soon and ask for a loan from a bank in Bari will find very favorable loan rates.
Do you want to discover further advantages of investing in Bari?
Click on this link to receive more information from Dr. Pietro Palermo, REMAX Stella Polare real estate consultant.
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