BariExperience see visit Bari surroundings Puglia

Neighborhoods of Bari

How many and what are the neighborhoods of Bari? Here are the areas of monuments and nightlife in Bari. Bari is the capital of Puglia, a region in southern Italy, made up of 22 neighborhoods and around 324 thousand inhabitants. Obviously it is not possible to describe all the neighborhoods of Bari, but the aim of the blog is to help you […] Find out more

Tourist map of Bari

Tourist map of Bari If you are on this page it is because you are most likely looking for a map, or better yet, a tourist map of Bari to discover all the monuments and attractions you can visit. Well, you are in the right place as this map will not only allow you to discover the points of […] Find out more

Walk on the Wall

Treat yourself to a pleasant walk on the wall and enjoy the Bari seafront from above. The wall of Bari Vecchia is a real strong point of the San Nicola district, the district of the famous ancient village of the city. Taking a walk on the wall allows you not only to walk around the entire perimeter area of ​​the old city and […] Find out more

An ice cream under the lighthouse

A sweet entertainment with the sound of the waves and the beauty of the Bari lighthouse. If you love the sea and adore its atmosphere, what's better than a sea at the foot of a lighthouse? The San Cataldo lighthouse is undoubtedly among the most historic and long-lived structures in the city of Bari; built in 1869 on […] Find out more

Relax in the Park 2 June

The largest green area in Bari where you can breathe pure air, relax and enjoy nature. Parco 2 Giugno is the largest park in the city of Bari. Since 1987, the year of its birth, it has become an entertainment and meeting point for many young people, elderly people and families. The 2 June park is not just a place to relax but […] Find out more

The shopping streets

Want to shop? here are the most popular streets of Bari for shopping. If the desire to go shopping overwhelms you, there is something for you in Bari. The city has always been a place of trade and above all of commercial activities, and with the Murat district all this has extended […] Find out more

What to see in Bari

Are you about to start your experience in Bari and want to know what there is to see? Here are some ideas that you will like. Bari is a seaside city with a thousand-year history behind it, all to be discovered and experienced, a reason that drives thousands every year of tourists towards Bari and the surrounding areas (because also close [...] Find out more
