An urban forest for Bari: help the city build its green lung
October 26, 2023
An old landfill can become a large urban forest.
Contribute too by donating trees!
Very recently, Bari's Environment Councilor, Pietro Petruzzelli , invited citizens and companies to contribute to the creation of an urban forest on the outskirts of Bari.
The area identified is a former municipal landfill of San Giorgio Martire , located near the sanctuary of the Madonna della Grotta and the San Nicola stadium , whose objective is to transform it into the first true urban forest of the city. urban forestation project , which will use funds for green urbanism actions, also wants to involve private individuals, so as to be able to add further resources to those already allocated and be able to plant numerous young trees in an area of over 60,000 square metres .
An effort that aims, therefore, to create the green lung of the city in an area that has not been used for over forty years and which, with the support of citizens and the social responsibility of some companies, can become a new flagship of the capital of Puglia .
What can you do for Bari?
If this city has fascinated you and you have promised yourself to return, perhaps even making small investments in the area, why not think about contributing to a just cause such as the creation of a large urban forest ?
In fact, if private resources were added to municipal funds, a very important result could be achieved both for the city and for the environment. With the planting and growth of several thousand trees and shrubs, the production of oxygen would be increased and that of carbon dioxide would be significantly reduced, all to the advantage of Bari , its people and above all of our planet which, especially in recent decades, he really needs it.
Around 10 thousand trees , therefore, could be added to the over 30 thousand already present in our splendid city, in the heart of Puglia .
What are you waiting for? Get in touch with the Municipality of Bari or with the Environment Councilor Petruzzelli and respond to this wonderful appeal.
Our city will be grateful to you.
Where will the urban forest arise?
Other news and curiosities about Bari and surroundings
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