BariExperience see visit Bari surroundings Puglia

BariExperience guest at “Telebari Social Night”. Watch the video of the interview.

40 photos X 40 places to see.
An emotional guide to Bari!

February 4, 2023

In Telebari's studios to talk about initiatives, deseasonalization and a project for the city.

Ivan Giuliani interviews telebari bariexperienceI am pleased to inform you that on Tuesday 31 January I was a guest in Telebari for the very nice program "Telebari Social Night" .

We talked about very interesting topics ranging from the guided tour "In the steps of Lolita" , organized by the Confguide of Bari with the collaboration of, up to the deseasonalization of the Terra di Bari and Puglia in general.

Furthermore, we made a small insight into the origins of, as well as mentioned the idea of ​​a very interesting project that we have in mind for the city and which could overturn the paradigms of communication in our beloved territory.

Meanwhile, here is the video of the interview on Telebari.
Good vision!

Other news and curiosities about Bari

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