“Real Bodies Experience”, the exhibition of the human body, arrives in Bari
“Real bodies experience”, the experience at the Teatro Margherita to discover real human bodies and organs
“Real Bodies” is an international exhibition in which it will be possible to admire real plastinated and perfectly intact human organs and bodies
The exhibition of the human body is a unique and very suggestive experience, not only for science lovers, but also for all those who simply want to discover how the human body and what organs compose it, all through the display of real bodies in artistic and sporting poses (don't worry, also for this reason they make less of an impression than you might imagine) . “Real Bodies” exhibition will arrive in the spaces of the splendid Teatro Margherita in Bari and will be open to visitors from November 2022 until January 2023.
An interesting opportunity to combine the Bari experience with the scientific and cultural one , as well as discover the human body in all its main facets: the skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, reproductive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
For more information and to purchase tickets to the museum of the human body , it is advisable to refer to the updates on the website https://www.realbodiesbari.it/
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