Sanctuary of the Madonna del Pozzo
The prophecy, the water and the painting: the incredible story of the Madonna del Pozzo, in Capurso.
Make yourself comfortable because what you are about to discover is the story of the Madonna del Pozzo , a story that will fascinate you so much that it will certainly push you to read up more in order to visit this sacred place .
You should know that in the immediate vicinity of Bari there is a town, Capurso , which preserves the memory of a miracle that occurred in 1705 in a well .
It is the story of a priest named Don Domenico Tanzella who, struck by an illness considered incurable at the time, reported having seen the Madonna .
During her apparition, the Madonna predicted recovery from the bad disease if the priest drank the water from the ancient well "Santa Maria" and created a church with a convent of Franciscan friars.
According to the story, the priest, trusting the message of the Madonna , had water from that well procured and after drinking it the serious illness suddenly disappeared.
In the following days the priest wanted to go to the place indicated by the Madonna in the company of his brother and two friends, unaware of what they would see; in fact, tradition has it that during the descent into the well two episodes occurred that changed the history of this place forever. During the complicated descent the candles used to illuminate the well fell into the water, but despite this they continued to remain lit allowing the group to continue, and during the search of the rocky walls of the well a splendid smiling painting of the Madonna . At that point the priest decided to have the fresco removed and transported out of that well in order to allow the faithful to pay homage to the saint.
Now this well is an evocative place of worship , it is open to the public and it is possible to visit it by entering the sanctuary built on it in honor of the Madonna, named "Madonna del Pozzo" .
Inside you will find the well and stairs that will allow you to access the basement of the church , as well as the throat of the well itself where you can admire the corner where the painting was found, i.e. behind the altar, with a faithful reproduction of it (the original painting was transferred to the nearby Basilica ) and a source to allow the faithful to drink clear water as a symbol of devotion.
For information and further information on the small church of Madonna del Pozzo and the nearby Basilica it is advisable to visit the official website:
Where is the small church of Madonna del Pozzo located?
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