If Apulian cuisine excites you, here are 4 suggestions for tasting typical local dishes within the walls of old Bari!
Let's make a very quick premise: in Bari , and especially in the ancient village of the city, there are many places where you can taste typical Bari dishes and products , however on this page we only highlight four, inviting you to explore the site to find others.
But you certainly won't have to worry about one thing when you arrive in Bari , places to eat typical Bari/Apulian dishes and products are in every corner of the city, especially near the historic center.
There are restaurants , taverns and pubs which, in addition to offering incredibly delicious and qualitatively guaranteed products, will make you live a 360° experience in Bari thanks to their locations, suggestive and typical of a seaside city like that of the Apulian capital .
Not only the smells of cooking but also breaths of history: those suggested here are some of the many places where you will have the pleasure of tasting the famous Baresi orecchiette , or a nice plate of potatoes, rice and mussels , or even a nice tasty seafood salad typical Bari .
But don't exclude the possibility of tasting local cured meats , cheeses and , not to mention the typical desserts to round off your meal in style: do you know dirtymuss ? in Bari they are a tradition, and like all Bari culinary traditions you will surely fall in love with those too.
The dirty muss normally arrive when you are already full, but their goodness will make you find a little snack for them too. But now let's get back to us, as promised here are 4 suggestions to enjoy your experience within the walls of Bari Vecchia and discover the best typical Apulian dishes !
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