Apulian breasts
Irresistible Apulian breasts: in Bari they also call them popizze
The Apulian breasts , which in Bari are also called popizze , are pieces of fried leavened dough and like the sgagliozze these are also among the typical products of Bari cuisine.
These pancakes can be offered as an appetizer or simply can be enjoyed as a real street food .
For example, inside the old city of Bari there are several ladies you will meet in the alleys while frying Bari popizze , regardless of the period in which you visit the ancient village .
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these breasts can be eaten as they are prepared or they can be stuffed according to your tastes; if you prefer them sweet, no problem, just add some sugar or mulled wine to give your palate a mix of sweet, salty and softness.
It's impossible not to take a bite of the Breasts (popizze) from Bari , especially during the Christmas holidays when the breasts reach the peak of their goodness.
Other dishes and typical products of Bari
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