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Alberobello lights up again, this time for lovers

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An emotional guide to Bari!

February 6, 2020

Alberobello is preparing for lovers: red hearts on the trulli

Alberobello surroundings Bari PugliaNews that will especially make romantics happy, Alberobello is in fact preparing to host "love" for Valentine , more precisely in the period between 8 February and 8 March.

So don't worry if your girlfriends or boyfriends are late for the appointment, you practically have a month to enjoy your hearts on the trulli of Alberobello .

A very nice initiative that has been proposed again after the great success achieved last year.
Bari in this period , or in the surrounding area , you certainly cannot miss the appointment; with or without a partner Alberobello is one of those destinations that you certainly cannot give up.

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