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Holidays 2020? Puglia confirms itself among the favorite places for Italians

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8 June 2020

Codacons confirms: 28% of Italians will also choose Puglia for their 2020 holidays


Beautiful places to see in PugliaFor some it might sound like news, but for those who have had experience in Puglia or for those who simply know its beauties this news is not "new" news but a confirmation.

And this time the confirmation comes from Codacons , which shows that this year too (and perhaps especially this year) Puglia is once again among the favorite destinations of Italians , specifically 28% of them.

Gargano and Salento stand out a lot , but looking at the local data, the beaches of Bari and its surroundings attract the attention of holidaymakers from across Italy.

For all the details and reference data, please note the source of this good news.

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