Spaghetti all'assassina

A crunchy and spicy symbol of Bari cuisine: spaghetti with murderer! If you are lovers of spicy cuisine, then in all likelihood you will desperately search for this delicious Bari dish! Spaghetti alla Assassina also include among the typical dishes offered by this splendid city, a dish whose characteristics represent a real ...
Apulian breasts popizze bari

Apulian breasts

Irresistible Apulian breasts: in Bari they also call them Popizzi the Apulian breasts, who also call popizes in Bari, are pieces of fried leavened pasta and like the sgagliezes also include these typical products of Bari cuisine. These pancakes can be offered as an appetizer or they can simply be enjoyed as a ...
Eating pizza from Bari Italy

The fantastic Pizza from Bari

Thin, light, tasty: is Bari pizza a delight who does not know pizza? Famous in Italy and in the world, pizza is undoubtedly among the most desired Italian products from the palates ... but have you ever tasted the Bari pizza? Well, if you haven't done so, do it! The Bari pizza, unlike the Neapolitan one ...
Dirty muss

The sweetest Sporcamuss

The closure of lunch and dinner with the dirty "dirty", which in Barese dialect is for "dirty mui", are those sweets to which it is impossible to say no. These are very simple puff pastry filled with cream and sprinkled with icing sugar; As simple as very good and normally ...

The tasty Sgagliozze

The flavor of tradition: the baroqueness from Bari in the alleys of the old city that of the sgaglieza is an ancient road tradition born in the alleys of the ancient village. It is polenta cut into square slices and fried in olive oil, normally served (after a sprinkling of fine salt) as an appetizer ...
Spaghetti with mussels

Spaghetti with mussels

Spaghetti with mussels: the scent of the sea at the table is one of the typical dishes to taste and Bari and in the rest of Puglia. It is an unmistakable seafood first course and that will allow you to fully enjoy your experience in Bari, a land full of ...
Broad beans and chicory

Broad beans and chicory

FAVE AND CICRY: the dish with a peasant vocation beans and chicory is one of the typical local dishes that originates from peasant culture and is widespread a little throughout Puglia, normally considered as a first course or even single dish given its characteristics, beans and chicory are characterized by ...
Orecchiette from Bari

Orecchiette with ragù

The ragù of chops, the typical dish of the Sunday from Bari, the orecchiette with ragù are among the typical dishes of Bari and above all on Sunday from Bari; On Sunday the smell of ragù starts from 8:00 in the morning when women are already in the kitchen to prepare the chops to be immersed in the ...
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