The plover also returns to Bari: his presence confirms the quality of the Bari coast
April 12, 2021
The plover once again chooses the beaches of Bari to lay its eggs: a sign of the quality of the area
Apparently, for a few years now, even some species of birds have fallen in love with Bari and its climate.
We learn, in fact, that for some time now the plover , this small bird recognizable by some black spots on the eyes, beak and chest, has decided to lay its eggs on the coast south of Bari, precisely Torre Quetta (one of the beaches present in the city, temple of summer evening nightlife) .
The phenomenon, as well as inaugurating the much desired spring, confirms the quality of the environment chosen by the monk ;
normally this species, in order to nest, lays its eggs in humid and - above all - clean environments, a detail from which the quality of the air, water and more generally of the surrounding environment in which the eggs are placed can be deduced . Considering that the nesting settlements of the Kentish plover influence the awarding of the much coveted blue flag , it goes without saying that the news leaves nothing indifferent, especially birdwatchers .
Furthermore, this species (unfortunately) is at risk of extinction, so knowing that Bari contributes in some way to safeguarding their life cycle (thanks also to the local institutions that are protecting and monitoring the 15 nests found this year) can only help make us all more proud of this wonderful territory .
Ivan G.
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